Chapter 02 – Shloka 56

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दुःखेष्वनुद्विग्नमनाः सुखेषु विगतस्पृहः ।
वीतरागभयक्रोधः स्थितधीर्मुनिरुच्यते ॥

Step 1: संधि विच्छेद

Simplifying the Shloka by splitting the compound words (shown in colored fonts).

दुःखेषु अनुद्विग्न-मनाः सुखेषु विगत-स्पृहः ।
वीत-राग-भय-क्रोधः स्थितधीः मुनिः उच्यते ॥

The following sandhis are seen in this Shloka.

षु + अ = ष्व

धीः + मु = धीर्मु

निः + उ = निरु

There are three Sandhis in two words of the Shloka which are shown above.

Step 2: Word by word interpretation

The first line of the Shloka has two verb like krudantas ‘अनुद्विग्न-मनाः’ and ‘ विगत-स्पृहः’, both having an implied ‘यः’ as a subject. Remember a krudanta is a verb-like adjective which can be associated with the noun through an equivalent Vibhakti.

The second line has ‘उच्यते’ as a verb having ‘मुनिः’ as its subject.

With this background, let’s have a closer look at each word in the Shloka.

दुःखेषु  – 7th Vibhakti plural form of neuter gendered ‘दुःख‘. The 7th Vibhakti indicates a sense of preposition and hence the word means ‘in sorrows’ in English and ‘दुःखो में’ in Hindi.

The Shabd Roop will be like ‘फल’


अनुद्विग्न-मनाः – Adjective of an implied noun ‘यः’ (meaning ‘the one who’ in English and ‘जो’ in Hindi) in maculine gender 1st Vibhakti, singular form. As it is an adjective, the word takes the same Vibhakti, gender and case. The meaning of the word is ‘unaffected’ in English and ‘अविचलित’ in Hindi. Remember that the adjective is a krudanta and plays the role of a verb.

The Shabd Roop will be like ‘बाल’


सुखेषु – 7th Vibhakti plural form of neuter gendered ‘सुख‘. The 7th Vibhakti indicates a sense of preposition and hence the word means ‘in happiness’ in English and ‘सुखो में’ in Hindi.

The Shabd Roop will be like ‘फल’ which is not being reproduced again.

विगत-स्पृहः – Adjective of an implied noun ‘यः’ in maculine gender 1st Vibhakti, singular form. As it is an adjective, the word takes the same Vibhakti, gender and case. The meaning of the word is ‘without yearning’ in English and ‘कामना लालसा रहित’ in Hindi. Remember that the adjective is a krudanta and plays the role of a verb.

The Shabd Roop will be like ‘बाल’ which is not being reproduced again.

वीत-राग-भय-क्रोधः – Adjective of the noun ‘ मुनिः‘ and hence takes the same Vibhakti, gender and case as the noun. Meaning of the word is ‘Free of attachment, fear and anger’ in English and ‘राग, भय और क्रोध से रहित‘ in Hindi.

The Shabd Roop will be like ‘बाल’ which is not being reproduced again.

स्थितधीः – Adjective of the noun ‘ मुनिः‘ and hence takes the same Vibhakti, gender and case as the noun. Meaning of the word is ‘of stable mind’ in English and ‘स्थिर बुद्धि वाला‘ in Hindi.

The Shabd Roop will be like masculine gendered ‘सुधी’ and will be as follows. The 1st Vibhakti will apply.


मुनिः The verb उच्यते is in कर्मणि form and hence, though the verb ‘मुनि’ is a ‘कर्म’, it will still appear in 1st Vibhakti. This concept was explained in the previous shloka also.

Root word is ‘ मुनि‘ meaning a ‘wise person’ in English. The Shabd Roop will be as follows:


उच्यते – Root word is the verb ‘वच्’, meaning “to say” in English or ‘कहना’ in Hindi, and it is in the लट् लकार, 3rd Person, singular case. The verb as mentioned earlier is in कर्मणि form.

The Dhatu Roop are as follows:


Step 3: Rearrangement of the Shloka & Stitching it all together

The rearranged and translated lines for interpretation as per the sequence of Hindi language are as follows.

(यः) दुःखेषु अनुद्विग्न-मनाः सुखेषु विगत-स्पृहः 

वीत-राग-भय-क्रोधः मुनिः स्थितधीः  उच्यते 
(जो) दुःखो में अविचलित (और) सुखो में कामना रहित (होता है)

राग भय (और) क्रोध से रहित मुनि को स्थिर बुद्धि वाला कहते हैं

Notice in the first line we have to compulsarily create a verb होता है in Hindi to complete the sentence. Such a construct is unnecessary in Sanskrit when a krudanta is used. The krudant itself lends the sense of verb to the sentence.

Also as explained in the previous Shloka, we are using मुनि को in Hindi, which should ordinarily have translated into 2nd Vibhakti, but in the Sanskrit form the 1st Vibhakti is applied as the verb is in the कर्मणि form .

In English the translations will be as follows:

(यः) अनुद्विग्न-मनाः दुःखेषु  विगत-स्पृहः  सुखेषु 

वीत-राग-भय-क्रोधः मुनिः उच्यते स्थितधीः 
The one who (is) unaffected in sorrows and free of yearning in pleasures

(and is) free from attachment, sorrow and anger, (such a) wise person is called of stable mind.

In the English translations to represent उच्यते correctly, passive voice has been used. The English translations are tougher to match with Sanskrit when Krudantas are used and hence you will see many brackets with verbs inserted to make the sentence complete.